Monday, January 5, 2009

Back In The Swing!

Now that the holidays are over and all the fun has been had, we can finally get back on a "schedule." (and of course there is always more fun to be had) I like to live by a schedule or at least make myself believe that I do.

Larissa went back to school today and believe it or not she was so excited last night that she had a hard time sleeping. She woke up at 4 am and wanted to know if it was time to go to school yet. That was answered with an abrupt "NO" and we then kindly asked her to go back to bed.

Larissa also started her gymnastics class at our local Y today. This session she is in Tumblebugs 2 and she is just so thrilled. She has come a long way from her days at The Little Gym when she pretty much refused to do anything but run around in circles. Now she walks on the balance beam, hangs on the high bar, and will even do a forward and backward roll.

Dorian started swimming lessons today, well I don't know if I would actually call it a lesson, maybe just "play time in the pool." He really enjoyed splashing and watching mommy blow bubbles, he hasn't quite got the hang of the bubble blowing he just prefers to drink the water for now.

I love to watch our children grow and experience new things and to discover themselves. To me it is so important to have them involved in different activities and to help them find what it is that they enjoy. I love to see them get excited about what they are accomplishing. I love being mommy to Larissa and Dorian, for me it is the absolutely best job in the world!

1 comment:

Bailey's Leaf said...

Well, at least he likes playing in the pool water and not the toilet water! (Just laughing because the photo below that post is of him and toilet paper.)

We do miss y'all at The Little Gym, but we'll be ending our time there in a few weeks. We've been there for 3 years!